Wednesday, 8 February 2012

A rather shadowy situation

Eh, didn’t say I was going to post a lot more often.

It’s been awfully quiet throughout the last couple of months, I must say. Probably just me not going outside as much as I probably ought to, but for supernatural beings from a realm beyond one that we may comprehend, the folks on the other side haven’t been quite as keen on making themselves known after we moved. Ladies and gentlemen, we may hence conclude that the Blind Man is, in fact, blind.

To let our guards down would be less than intelligent, however – especially now that I spend a substantial fraction of my days in a public facility pretending to understand differentiation and functional groups and cross elasticity and aah fuck this I’m probably being stalked by otherworldly abominations and ought to be all mysterious and poetic and all that wankery

But I digress. As an anticipative measure, I have decided to pick a number of current associates which seem suspicious enough. When I eventually disregard what this post contains to look into an unwholesome-looking shed somewhere and end up in small, hopefully biodegradable bags, feel free to link back here in a meticulously composed “told you so”.

  • Bookstore people: Quite nice to talk with, if not a significant improvement in regards to providing genuine attention. I’ve counted nine employees between 18 and 50 so far, with four assistants on their shift most of the time. The cashier is always there, though. Always smiling, always still, and always looking dead in a temptingly creepy sort of way (get your mind out of the gutter). As for the building, it’s a moderate-sized 50s thing next to a residential street, bit retro at certain spots. Nice enough collection; my family is broke for now, but I did manage to get a large secondhand Agatha Christie collection for the price of a week’s school lunch the other day, which is quite neat, I guess. Stays open awfully late too. I think I saw something in the nearby trees the other day. Must investigate further.
  • Old couple: I have to be honest – they’ve helped an awful lot with their company when the rest of the world would rather pretend that I were a figment of their imagination. “Wait, strange internet person who is either delusional or a figment of someone’s imagination!”, you might say, “you might end up having eldritch things done to you! D:”; to which my answer would be: have you ever had their homemade chai latte? Eldritch gods don’t make warm drinks that hopelessly addictive, adorable little winged fey with magic wands do. Still quite suspicious for their being exceptions, though, so I’ll try to stay vigilant. Also must investigate further.
  • School: Everyone’s more or less forgotten my existence apart from assignments and short conversations about things that are not running around dragging people off theirs, but it’s still quite a long list of suspects. Sis has also been getting similar treatment, though she’s been less eager to share and hence less ostracised. On a related note, did you expect the nasty things from other side to show up in an obvious way which I would end up ignoring and eventually suffering deliciously from back when I was putting up all sorts of fake cheery BS? Because I sort of did.
  •  Mum’s workplace: is actually a cinema in the town. It’s still showing the Tintin movie and hence exempt from all suspicion :D She’s keeping watch. Nothing alarming so far, but the visitors do occasionally appear in trenchcoats. And business suits. No gas mask yet, if I remember correctly.
  • The Yogurt Man: Have I mentioned? Door-to-door salesman for a few dairy operations a few kilometres away, mum said. Bit taller than me, wears a dark red cotton jacket, dark red and black fedora and dark red and black messenger bag. Physical details are sort of unmemorable, though. He is the Yogurt Man. His yogurt is delicious.

(or maybe he is a Fear. The fear of yogurt).

Also ought to look out for that “E.” person who posted the other day – I think I might have a guess or two on who they might be, though.

Thoughts on the attitude so far, anyone? I’m sort of worrying that I’ll end up being the overly self-aware smartarse who doesn’t actually do anything, oddly enough. >_>


  1. Pffth. 161.320108 rubles for an Agatha Christie collection is bloody highway robbery.

    Some logs, please? We in the know would like to hear more of the subject.

    1. He is the Yogurt Man.
      His yogurt is delicious.
      It is fortified with everything that the world needs...
      that the world deserves.

  2. Oh, look, a secret society of great vagueness. Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun.
